“Hey everyone, David here. I just wanted to say thanks for all the birthday wishes and a special thanks to all of you who asked how we did with the fires in Malibu. Actually, we got everything out, it’s all a little smokey but we should be up and running again in a few weeks. One of the things that went through my mind as Yolanda and I were running in and out of the studio as it was on fire was “thank God for Christian and Tommaso who have done such an incredible job of documenting so much of my musical life.” Sooo… thanks guys for all you do for all of us and thanks to everyone that was so concerned and for remembering my birthday. it’s kind of funny but when you’re just pounding out music all the time you sometimes forget that you are actually reaching people and in a few cases, making their life just a little bit better. Well, thats what you all did for me after the fires and around birthday time, enjoy and we’ll talk again soon.
Best, David.”