“I’m so happy to be able to say a few words on this web site. Thank God for people like Tommaso and Christian in our lives. They have dedicated themselves to the music they love, fortunately some of that music happens to be music that I have helped create. They really have put all the pieces of the puzzle together in a loving way. Thanks to them, my grandchildren will have a much clearer picture of my musical journey than I ever could have provided them with.
It almost seems like yesterday that I came to Los Angeles, signed a recording deal with Capitol and released the song Wildflower with our band Skylark. That was 30 years ago. It’s been an amazing journey and the crazy thing is that sometimes I feel like I’m just getting started. I would like to thank each and every one of you for following my musical life, you all constantly remind me of some of the good stuff that I’ve forgotten and for sure some of the crappy stuff that I’d like to forget.
Just in case you are wondering, my favorite song I’ve written is “Love, Look What You’ve Done To Me” by Boz Scaggs, my best song production is, in my opinion, Chicago’s “Hard Habit To Break”, most fun time in the studio was recording Alice Cooper’s album From The Inside, most in awe of a singer: Maurice White. Those are just some of the thoughts I have right now. Thank you again for keeping my music alive and always being there to support me.
Until next time, David “